Monday, June 13, 2011

6 Months, 3 Weeks, 4Days


It was sorta necessary. He got lice [not really bad, thank goodness. Also somehow I managed not to get it!! Shampooed anyway though. Gods those things need to DIE OFF THE FACE OF THIS EARTH!] and so Megan had to treat him and comb his hair. I thinned his hair for her, but that wasn't enough. She wanted it shorter D: D: She didn't go TOO short, I supposed, but now it's just past his shoulders. I miss his long hair :'(
Mum loves it though. She's been trying to get me to take scissors to it for forever. D:<

1 comment:

  1. I had lice in the 5th grade, I think it was. It was aweful. I got it from my babysitter's daughter. Yuck. Good thing you didn't get it too, though :)
